Covid-19 obeys no speed limits. Team VKT has been working tirelessly, helping B2B & B2C businesses to build digital brand presence internationally, uncover new opportunities, drive growth with performance marketing and business model innovation to navigate the economic disruptions brought by Covid-19 and achieve business recovery. Recently, we helped a wholesale family business achieve a 688% weekly revenue growth with a quick-win campaign devised as part of our comprehensive solutions suite to accelerate their revenue growth.
Living in Singapore has given us access to a multitude of resources that SG businesses can tap on to weather this storm. The #EDG grants, which range from those helping businesses with their core capabilities to those that encourage innovation & productivity to assisting businesses with the cost in overseas expansion, typically provide up to 70% support. However, earlier this year, during the Supplementary Budget 2020, it was announced that the maximum support level will be raised to 80% to 31 December 2020, whilst for enterprises most severely impacted by #Covid-19, the maximum support level may be raised to 90% on a case-by-case basis. You can explore these grants today, reach out to us at https://calendly.com/vktconsult/20min to find out how we can help you.